Hydro Demolition

Hydro Demolition
Following a recent successful Hydro demolition trial underwater working in conjunction with Buxtons Water Ltd, Sealane divers completed a 120 metre toe trench around the perimeter of Seahouses pier in order that Southbay Civil Engineering Ltd can use the toe trench to build from preventing any further scour to the pier.
The divers were trained through the water jetting association and a retro (Zero thrust) nozzle gun capable of 15,000psi was required to perform the operation safely underwater. A 300mm x 300mm toe trench was cut under the strictest of conditions and Sealane completed the toe trench to all under water areas of the pier successfully and safely.
This has been a great accomplishment for both Sealane Inshore Ltd and Buxtons Water ltd and a milestone in the progress of the reconstruction of the pier.